
Sunday Dinner

Romaine Salad with Tomatoes, Cucumber, and Feta
Pimiento "Pimento" Dressing

with ice cream and fresh berries

All these good eats this Sunday and I am sharing the dressing??  I will have you know that this dressing has a special place in my heart.   This recipe was created by my grandmother for my grandfather, my Mom-mom and Pappy.  My grandparents are one of the many reasons why I love food and everything about it; more on that at a later time, but for now here is the story about the dressing...

My grandfather lost partial sense of taste many years ago.  He is only able to taste sweet (don't put a bowl of cherry tomatoes or strawberries in front of him), salty (bring on the oyster stew), and spicy (hot sauce with every meal).  He loves his vegetables and salads, but wasn't able to taste them.  My grandmother lovingly went to work to create a dressing for his greens and veggies that he could taste.  Thank goodness she did because our entire family loves this dressing.  My husband claims that I should bottle this stuff and sell it.  Maybe one day, but for now I will share my grandmother's recipe for you and document it for my blog. My favorite way to enjoy this dressing is over a pile of chopped Romaine lettuce, cherry tomatoes, and sliced cucumbers with some good feta cheese crumbled on top. 

One note-- If you are wondering why I have Pimento in "", it is because I am conflicted as to how to spell it.  The Southerner in me wants to call it "Pimento", but the Northerner side wants to call it by its proper spelling, pimiento.  Maybe I should call it "Pumenta" because that is how it really sounds.  Either way you spell it, the taste is the same-- good!

Pimiento "Pimento" Dressing
makes about 3 1/2 cups

1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup white distilled vinegar
1 cup Safflower oil
1 medium yellow onion, roughly chopped
1 4-ounce jar diced pimiento
3 teaspoons yellow mustard
3 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
3 teaspoons kosher salt

Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth and emulsified.  Dressing can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week.  Shake or stir the dressing before using.  Enjoy!

Source: My grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. A. Heide Davis of Greenville, South Carolina


  1. Even our pickiest eaters love this dressing. This is a dressing the whole family can agree upon! It lasts a very long time in the refrigerator, too, even though you hardly have to worry about not using it all...it's that good. I am going to copy this article and take it to South Carolina on our trip next month. I want to see the expression on Mom-Mom's face when she sees her recipe and your story in print. LOL

  2. would love to see the recipe for Grilled brown sugar chicken.

  3. Mom-
    Thanks for doing that. I wish I could see her face, too:)

    I will try and get a picture of it tonight and post it down the road. However, you can send me an email and I will see what I can do:)

  4. I can already picture the look on Mom-mom's face when reading this! Remember to take tissues with you Ma....you know she'll cry! Nicole ~ can't wait to make this for all my little picky eaters!

  5. I love how you spelled it both ways in the recipe title. Adorable!

  6. Thanks for sharing this special recipe and story! It sounds delicious and looks so pretty! The rest of your dinner sounds fabulous too!

  7. mmmmm! Just made it for dinner tonight. Can't believe I don't really remember this one! Tastes just like pimento cheese without the chesse. Can't wait to get it on some greens with feta. p.s. when I was making it and wondering how all the ingredients were going to come together and taste good it reminded me of one time I saw you in the kitchen experimenting with different ingredients to make salad dressings. I think we were in high school. Glad I'm finally getting to taste finished products!!

  8. Thanks for sharing this Delightfully different dressing recipe. One question: do you drain the pimentos, or just toss in the whole jar? Thanks again!

  9. Erin James-
    I don't drain the pimentos. I dump in the whole jar.
    Thanks for the question:)

  10. Haha I always struggle with how to spell it when I blog "Pimento" cheese too. This dressing looks so delicious though, and what a sweet story - thanks for sharing it!

  11. Yes, this dressing most definitely needs to be bottled - I love it. I'd like to try marinating veggies like cauliflower and mushrooms with it... yum....


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