Rosemary Crackers
Roasted Boneless Leg of Lamb
Flageolets in Thyme Jus
Lemon Custards
Remember when I was I was sharing my chicken stock recipe? I referred to it as a 2 for 1 special. Well, here is another 2 for 1 deal. I also refer to this as a building block or culinary platform because it can be used in multiple ways.
Confit is anything that is suspended in oil or sugar for a lengthy amount of time. Both solids and liquid can be used in many recipes. Tonight, I used the garlic confit and oil as part as the marinade for the lamb and I used the whole garlic confit cloves when finishing the flageolets. The garlic can also be spread on toast and used in baking bread. It is really good when added to a shellfish broth as well. The oil is well, garlic oil. I could spend a lot of time talking about the uses of garlic oil.
The original (ok that made me laugh out loud🧛; garlic and original- cue the CW series) recipe called for canola oil, but I prefer Safflower oil. It is a neutral oil with added health benefits like vitamin E. The recipe also calls for copious amount of garlic cloves. You can either take the time to peel them or you can take a short cut and use peeled garlic cloves from the store if available (I use Christopher Ranch).
Upon looking at my written recipe you might ask, What is a diffuser?? To put it simply, mine is a black thingy that you put over your stove burner to "diffuse" the heat. I use mine all the time (it actually has a permanent home on the top left burner) even if I am keeping water warm for tea. Your stove is different than mine so it might look a little different, but the garlic confit will be on point.
Printable Recipe
Garlic Confit
yields 1 cup garlic and 2 cups infused garlic oil
1 cup (6-ounces) peeled garlic cloves, root end cut (about 45 cloves)
2 cups Safflower oil or other neutral oil
Place the cloves and oil in a small saucepan. The oil should cover the cloves by about an inch.
Place the saucepan on a diffuser over medium-low heat. Cook the cloves gently, stirring occasionally, for about 40 minutes or until the cloves are completely tender when pierced with the tip of a knife. (Very small bubbles will come up through the oil, but the bubbles should not break the surface. Adjust the heat as necessary if the cloves are cooking too quickly.) Remove the saucepan from the heat and allow the cloves to cool in the oil. Refrigerate the garlic, submerged in oil, for up to one month. Enjoy!
Source: Bouchon by Thomas Keller
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