
Quick Chicken Stock (made with leftover carcass)

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Broth, stock (white or brown) and bone broth...What's the difference?? Well, I will try to keep it as simple as I can without getting too particular.  

Broth is made using just the meat and vegetables and is cooked in a short amount of time.  It is lighter in color and quite thin in texture.  

Stock on the other hand is made with bones in addition to vegetables and sometimes meat. Because of the collagen-rich bones and the longer cooking time, stock has a more viscous texture. White stock is made from blanching the bones before simmering and brown stock is made by roasting the bones (sometimes with tomatoes or a tomato paste mixture) before simmering.

Now what is bone broth?? It is simply white stock that is cooked for quite a long time. As stated above, white stock is made by blanching the bones first before simmering.  That removes some of the scum or impurities from the bones that float to the surface and needs to be skimmed (that is if you are making stock from fresh bones and not a roasted carcass). It also releases vital minerals which is one of the reasons that some people like to drink bone broth stock.  I cannot explain why they call it bone broth. It just makes it confusing.

Speaking of simmering for a long time, you may have heard of demi-glace or seen that rather small and expensive container at the store by such a name. That is simply stock (that's with the bones) that is reduced until is almost like a jell-o like paste.

You can use broth or stock interchangeably for most recipes, but stock will give you a much richer flavor.

So, broth vs. stock, that is pretty much it in a nutshell. On to my recipe...

This is quick chicken STOCK because I am using the leftover carcass and wing and leg bones if available (I don't care to use the ones that were gnawed on😝).  Unlike the Simple Turkey Stock that uses just the carcass and water, I do like to throw in some veggies and aromatics.  If I did not use garlic and thyme to baste the roast chicken, then I would throw some in the pot.  If I have a leek on hand, that will sometime go in too. If you are using a dry rub, like a BBQ or Cajun seasoning πŸ€”, well I say go for it and use that stock for maybe a Brunswick Stew or Cajun Chicken and Sausage Jambalaya. Why not?  Get creative and,  "Make it for you, make it your own".

But why go through the trouble of making homemade stock if you can buy it from the store? I think the obvious reason is that it is economical. Whether you buy a rotisserie chicken from the store or roast one yourself, you are getting the meat, as well as a leftover carcass to make stock. I like to think of it as a 2 for 1 special. 

But it takes too much time! If you have time to read this post, then you have time to make stock. And if you are short on time after removing the meat for a meal or recipe, put the carcass in a freezer bag and freeze it until you do have the time. (You can also freeze any veggies that might normally go to waste in the refrigerator and then add them to the pot with the previously frozen carcass). 

Let's see...what else? It is very healthy because there are no additives, there are lost of minerals and you control the amount of salt. 

Lastly, it is just plain good.  Good for the mind, body and soul! Happy cooking!

Quick Chicken Stock (made with leftover carcass)
makes about 8 cups

1 leftover carcass (including wing and leg bones if available) from a roast 3 12/-4 pound chicken with garlic and thyme
1 medium onion, halved, skinned and root end trimmed; keeping it in tact
1 medium carrot, peeled and cu into quarters lengthwise
1 medium celery stalk, trimmed and cut into quarters lengthwise
3-4 fresh flat-leaf parsley stems
1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns
8 1/2 cups water
Kosher salt to taste

In a large stock pot, brown the leftover carcass and other bones over medium high heat, turning occasionally, until browned on all sides, about 5-7 minutes.  Add the vegetables, parsley and peppercorns.  Allow the vegetables to sear for 2-3 minutes.  Add the water and bring to a boil.  Reduce the heat to a simmer, cover and cook for 2 hours.  Season to taste with kosher salt. Allow the stock to cool for at least 1 hour.

Strain stock through a fine-mesh strainer or a strainer lined with cheese-cloth, into a large container; discard solids. Let stock cool to room temperature then refrigerate to allow any fat to solidify.  (Alternatively, you can refrigerate the stock with the bones and vegetables overnight and then strain the stock.)

Stock can be refrigerated and covered for up to 2 days, frozen for up to 4 months or canned for at least 6 months or up to a year. Enjoy!

Source: The Galley Gourmet


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