
Sunday Dinner

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Radish Butter on Baguette Croutons

Chou Farci
(Savoy Cabbage stuffed with homemade Toulouse Sausage)
Chantilly Potatoes
Glazed Carrots

Warm Raspberry Gratin with Crème Fraîche

It is finally starting to feel like Spring in these parts.  My youngest daughter said to me the other day, "Mommy, look!  There are leaves on the trees."  She said it like a child from the Deep South might say if they looked out the window and saw snow.  Not only are there leaves on the trees, but I now have greenery popping up all throughout my kitchen garden.  Time to utilize some of those fresh herbs in this delicious and simple appetizer.  

Radishes and butter together form a classic pairing.  This recipe takes it a step further by adding fresh herbs and lemon juice for a spreadable treat.  I found this recipe at www.greencitymarket.org, the online version of that wonderful farmers' market in the Lincoln Park neighborhood of Chicago.  I love spending a few Wednesday mornings down there during the season, but when I can't get there, I visit their website looking for recipes and inspiration.  This is a recipe that I found years ago.  I hope you like it as much as I do.


Radish Butter

6 ounces (12 Tablespoons) salted butter, at room temperature
7 large radishes, trimmed and julienned
Juice from 1/2 a lemon at room temperature
1/4 cup fresh mint leaves, finely chopped
2 Tablespoons fresh parsley, finely chopped
2 Tablespoons fresh chives, finely chopped
Kosher salt to taste

In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the butter on medium speed.  Add the lemon juice and herbs; beat until combined.  Using a spatula, fold in the julienned radishes.  Season to taste with kosher salt.  Serve with baguette croutons.  Enjoy!

Source: Adapted from The Green City Market


  1. Wow, I never heard of radishes and butter but it looks quite delicious! What a fun combination and I love the farmer's market website. I don't live near Chicago but have bookmarked the sight for inspiration. Thanks!

    P.S. Sounds like a lovely dinner!

  2. I love this recipe. My mother used to mix radishes with farmer's cheese and a little more chives!! Also delish!

  3. My favorite sandwich growing up was white bread, butter and radishes with s&p. For me your recipe is a thrill from the pastb ut all grown up!


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