
Roasted Beets

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Here is another staple/building block in my cooking.  I use roasted beets in salads, vinaigrettes, and even sandwiches, but most of the time they are served warm from the oven with a bit of butter and vinegar as a side dish to our meal.  Roasting beets brings out their natural, earthy sweetness that my family just can't get enough of.  Summer, spring, winter, or fall, we enjoy these tasty gems all year long and they will be on our upcoming Easter menu in some way, shape, or form.

The recipe I am giving you is more of a guideline than a recipe.  I have offered several ingredients to suit your own taste.  My favorite way is to simply toss the sliced or quartered beets with a bit of butter, red wine vinegar, salt and chives.  I have family that enjoys them with orange juice and dill (that's the Scandinavian side).  There are also those of us that enjoy them straight from the oven with a sprinkling of salt.  Just remember, make them for you, make them your own.  

Before I give you the recipe, I must leave you with a warning-- beets STAIN everything and I mean everything.  With that in mind, I would like to give you two tidbits of valuable beet preparation and consumption information.  First, buy a box of disposable gloves from the drug store to wear when you peel them.  That will prevent your hands from looking like you walked away from a crime scene.  Second, put a little note on the bathroom door to remind yourself that you ate beets the night before.  That will stop you from making a frantic phone call to you doctor☺.  

Printable Recipe

Roasted Beets
for 1 1/2 pound of beets

1 1/2 pound of beets
1/4 cup water
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, plus more to taste
pinch of granulated sugar 
1 tablespoon olive oil, nut oil, or unsalted butter at room temperature
up to 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar,  freshly squeezed lemon juice or orange juice
1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley, chives, or dill
freshly ground black pepper (optional)

Preheat the oven to 375ยบ F.  Trim the beet stalks within 1-inch of the beet and leave the root end intact.  Wash the beets without tearing the skin.  Place the beets in an 8x8-inch baking dish.  Add the water and cover tightly with foil.  Bake until the beets are tender and can easily be pierced with a knife, anywhere from 45 minutes to 1 1/4 hours depending on the size of the beets.  Remove from the oven and allow the beets to cool, about 20-25 minutes.  When the beets are cool enough to handle, slip off the skins while wearing disposable gloves (if you don't want your hands "beet" red).  Using a paring knife, trim the stem and root ends.  Slice or quarter the beets, place them in a bowl, and toss them with the butter or oil, vinegar, herbs, and salt and pepper (if using) to taste.  Serve warm or at room temperature.  Enjoy!

*Note: When preparing beets of different color, make sure you use separate pans for each color.

Source: The Galley Gourmet


  1. If I could bring myself to eat beat, this is the recipe I'd turn to!

    I'm with you on the disposable gloves -- I buy black latex (from beauty supply shops) and use them for all my cooking.

  2. Good basic procedure/recipe. Really good photo. I agree, disposable gloves are the way to go (they're great when cutting up poultry, too).

  3. These look perfect! We love beets and thanks for reminding me it has been a while since I last made these beautiful vegetables. You are hilarious....I can absolutely relate!HA! Happy Easter to you and your family!

  4. @ The Chocolate Covered Kitchen-
    I do hope you can bring yourself to eat beets soon:)

    @Kitchen Riffs-
    Good idea for poultry too! Thanks for stopping by.

    Glad I put the reminder out there for you. Pleased you enjoyed the post. Happy Easter to you as well!

  5. Beautiful photo!

    Just had roasted beets this week. I don't wear gloves when peeling them - yes my hands were red but they went away after a couple of hand washing (with soap).

  6. oh thanks! I never put water in the packet when I roast them, and the skin is always such a pain to get off. I will see if this makes a difference


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